Freedom Foodscapes now has the ability to provide you with beautiful aerial and 3D in house designs for the local Chicagoland area. We are still proudly partnered with Food Forest Abundance (FFA) as a Cooperative Installer in order to best serve you anywhere around the world, however we like to use them as our “overflow” and non-local designs, but we like to offer our clients the option to use our services or FFA. While our design work is more locally focused, our connection with FFA and their network of designers allows us to meet our clients anywhere that they need us. Local designs are invoiced at the time of agreement based on the size of the property to be designed. Our in house design pricing is as follows:

2000 sq ft to 1/8 acre$900
1/8 to 1/3$1,500
1/3 to 1 acre$2,400
1-2 acres$4,500
**Anything over 2 acres is custom and price will be determined upon site review.

If you choose to utilize the Food Forest Abundance design team, their PDC experts can quickly turn around your design wishes to get to installation in a much faster manner. They offer consultation for both site and soil, along with design on any scale, anywhere you may be located. Should you wish to purchase a design through FFA, click the “Start Now” link below.

Your journey all starts here and Freedom Foodscapes will be right along side of you every step of the way to ensure you and your family are fully satisfied.

We specialize in providing personalized permaculture designs for residential, commercial and community projects.

Take your first step to food freedom

“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

BILL MOLLISON- the father of modern permaculture